Past contributions

Designed and Implemented a Circular Economy Strategy

Designed the ESG reporting structure bottom up from commercial transactions level emissions

Designed a generic closed-loop Supply Chain Model, accounting for total GHG emissions

Redesigned a country-wide supply chain network accounting for GHG emission as a key criteria

Designed an ESG strategy including metrics and scope 3 total impact

Simulated the emission levels of alternative Supply Chain Distribution systems

Designed the GHG reporting metrics and automated calculations at commercial transaction level

Designed road infrastructure design & maintenance models, accounting for GHG emissions

Designed a GHG calculator to assess and compare alternative transport routes

Ran optimisation algorithms on alternative Supply Chain Distribution configurations with GHG emission forecast

Designed an ESG reporting system, interfaced with existing ERPs

Configured a GHG calcultator, interfaced with existing ERPs

Assessed the carbon footprint of dozens of inbound supply chains (scope 3)

Designed an ESG training module for GHG calculations on scope 3

Built a ESG risk modelling tool to comply with existing and possible regulations